Costco Wholesale Warehouse
Contract Amount:
Costco Wholesale
General Contractor:
Jackson Dean Construction
Developed Site – 18.17 acres, Ground-Up Warehouse & Canopy (160,434 sq ft) - including: Erosion Control, Demolition , Site Clearing, Earthwork .
Earthen berms - 3,865 LF
Scarify and compact - 66,664 SY
Clear & grub - 23 Acre
Excavation to fill - 9,982 CY
Embankment - 35,713 CY
Pad over-excavation - 60,124 CY
Roadway abc placement -
high production - 16,176 TN
Finegrade pad - 17,787 SY
Grading - roadway - 48,529 SY
Grading - concrete flatwork -
3,683 SY
Grading - parkway/landscaping -
37,200 SY
Prep and backfill - curb - 12,606 LF
Backfill - sidewalk - 31,671 SF
4” AC paving - heavy duty - 19,797 SY
3” AC paving - light duty - 28,732 SY
Sanitary sewage SYstem
6” pvc - 696 LF
8” pvc - 1,409 LF
SS manhole 5’ - 12 EA
Site drainage
6” hdpe - 160 LF
Storm underdrains - 18 EA
6” hdpe underdrain - 960 LF
8” hdpe - 385 LF
12” hdpe - 4,5z6 LF
15” hdpe - 681 LF
18” hdpe - 473 LF
24” hdpe - 623 LF
Box catch basin - 19 EA
Sd manhole 4’ - 14 EA
Fire protection water supply, hydrants
4” DIP - 76 LF
6” dip - 346 LF
8” dip - 1,853 LF
Fire hydrants - 6 EA
Domestic water supply
2” Hard Copper - 6 LF
3” Hard Copper - 1,083 LF
Asphalt paving & surfacing
Pavement markings